The Shackleford Shop and Post Office is seen by many as the Life and Soul of the Community…..right at the heart of the Village.
In order to maintain this community shop it is necessary to seek financial support from the local community. One method started in 2011 is via a lottery under the auspices of the Shackleford Shop Society. This has been named the ‘’100 Club’’, as membership is restricted to 100 members.
Each member pays £10 per month and 50% of all income goes to cover the Shop overheads and 50% is returned in prizes. Draws are made quarterly at local village events. There are three winners each quarter.
Given a Society of 100 members, £6000 can be raised for the Shop annually and £6000 is donated back to Society members who win the draws.
Further details, rules and entry forms are available in the Shop. All those in the village or neighbouring communities or, indeed, those who simply believe in the principle of maintaining important facilities in small communities are urged to join.
To find out more without obligation please call Gavin Bell on 01483 810982