The 1841 Census shows Towns as living at Gray Street, Marylebone, London and carrying out the occupation of Cordwainer; his age is given as 30 yrs, and he is not born in the County of London.
He married Ann Vincent on December 12 1846 at St Mary’s, Marylebone, after Banns. His Marriage Certificate states he is a Bootmaker.
I have not been able to find him in the 1851 Census.
He is recorded as living at the Post Office Shackleford with Ann in the 1861, 1871, & 1881 Census Returns. In each of these returns he is listed as Gardener & Postman.
Dependent on the Census Return David Vincent (Ann’s bachelor brother) or one or more of Towns nieces was also resident at the Post Office.
Towns Brewster died in 1885, and was buried at St Mary’s Shackleford on June 7 1885.
Ann Brewster (nee Vincent) was born at Peper Harrow in 1822 the daughter of John & Honor Vincent (both of the parents were born in Hampshire at either Alton or Bentley)
In the 1851 Census Ann is resident in Shackleford with her parents.
Following Town’s death in 1885, Ann can be found at Peat Common in the 1891 Census living with her bachelor brother David Vincent, her niece by marriage Elizabeth Alma Snelling (nee Brewster), Louisa Snelling (later Newell) and Louisa’s sister Lucy Maria.
The 1901 Census shows both David Vincent & Ann Brewster (nee Vincent) as residents of Guildford Workhouse.
David died in 1903 & Ann in 1905.
Photos and research courtesy of John Holland, grandson of Louisa Snelling.