Summary of Lots – 1942 Sale


LOT1 Hall Place House and Grounds 35.184 Acres.

LOT2. Glasshouses, etc. .275


LOT3. Cross Farm, Shackleford 136.757 Acres.

LOT4. Lime Walk Field 4.119 Acres.

LOT5. The Cyder House .544 Acres.

LOT6. Accommodation Land 6.934 Acres.

LOT7. The Coppice 1.217 Acres.

LOT8. Accommodation Land 6.270 Acres.

LOT9. The Croft, Villa Residence .666 Acres.

LOT10. Pair of Cottages, The Gables .515 Acres.

LOT11. Arable Field 4.762 Acres.

LOT12. Pair Cottages

LOT13. Ditto

LOT14. Village Stores and Cottage 1.588 Acres.

LOT15. Pair Cottages

LOT16. Single Cottage

LOT17. Kitchen Garden 1.002 Acres.

LOT18. Pair Cottages .566 Acres.

LOT19. Block of Three Cottages .931 Acres.

Total 201.330 Acres.

Summary of the Estate as Let.

Description. Tenant Rent Area Remarks

Pt. Lot 1. Hall Place House and Grounds, Lake, etc. F. E. Hill £380 9.984

Lease of 7 years from 17th August, 1940, subject to 6 months’ notice to determine by either party on 30th April, 31st August and 31st December in any year subsequent to the first. Notice to determine this Lease on 31st December, 1942 has been given.

Fire Insurance Premium £9 8s. 3d.

Lots 3, 4. 6, 8. Pt. 1 and Pt. 9 Stovold & Son £300 1 69.963 Lease

of 5 years from March

and Pt. 11.

25th, 1940.

Cross Farm, Shackleford.

House, Buildings and Five


Fire Insurance Premium £ 1 9 9s. 2d.

Lot 5. The Cyder House. Surrey P.H. £70 .544 Yearly Tenancy, subject to 3

Trust months’ notice on either side.

Lot 7. The Coppice. J. M. Lindsay £125 1.217 3 years’ agreement from September

29th, 1940.

Lot 9. The Croft. L. A. White £65 .260 3 years’ agreement from lst May 1 940.

Lot 14. Village Stores. C. Dobell £39 4 0 Quarterly Tenancy.

Lot 10. Pair Cottages, The W. Stimson £3 1 4 0 .515 Weekly Tenancies. Landlord


Gables G. Smithers £26 0 0 rates.

Lot 18. Pair Cottages. H. Cooper £31 4 0 . 566 H. Cooper, Service Tenant. (Esti-


H. Lanb.11 £3 1 4 0 mated Rental.) Other, Weekly

Tenancy. Landlord pays rates.

Lot 19. Three Cottages. A. Reffold £1 0 8 0 Weekly -Tenancies. Landlord pays

Miss Hart £26 0 0 .931 rates.

J. Race £32 10 0

Pt. Lot 14. Cottage adjoining Mrs. Andrews £1 3 0 0 Landlord pays rates.

Village Stores.

Lot 12. Pair Cottages, The G. Stovold £1 9 10 0 Landlord pays rates. Weekly

Square. F. Jones £1 6 5 0 Tenancies.

Lot 13. Pair Cottages. Mrs. Hope £15 12 0 Landlord pays rates.

Le Petit £15 12 0

Lot 15. Pair Cottages. Stovold & Son No. 1 let with the Farm. Tenant

Mrs. Thompson £20 16 0 pays rates No. 2, Weekly

Tenancy. Landlord paying rates.

Lot 1 6. Single Cottage. J. Reffold £15 12 0 Weekly Tenancy. Landlord pays


Pt. Lot 1. Clock Cottages. R. Nash £26 0 0 No.1, Service Tenancy.(Esti-

H. Lamboll £26 0 0 mated Rental.) Other, Weekly Tenancy. Landlord paying rates.

Lots 2 & 17. The Greenhouses, £5 0 0 0 1.279 In Hand, (Estimated Rental.)

Kitchen Garden, etc.

Pt. Lot 1. Land adjoining Hall Stovold & Son £1 0 0 7.272 Grazing Tenancy for 10


Place. from 25th March last.

Pt. Lot 3. Garden Land. C. Brown £1 10 0 Yearly Ladyday Tenancy.


1417 8 5


With Vacant Possession of the Residence and Grounds as let to Mr. Hill

(in all about 9.984 Acres) on 1st January, 1943.